It is unknown how RJ and Vincent becomes friends in the first place, but they have known each other during their time in the woods. Thus, Vincent's brutal and selfish side gets the best of him as when he tried to kill RJ and his best friends, he was defeated when Verne saved RJ by pulling him out of Vincent's mouth with a fishing pole attached to his shell, making the bear fall straight into Gladys' backyard and get stung severely by the Depelter Turbo alongside Gladys and Dwayne.
However, this immediately proves to be wrong as RJ instead uses the wagon of food to help his friends, thus betraying Vincent and making himself a better person. He believes that selfishness will take him far as he even tells RJ he will be like him some day after he has returned his wagon of food to him.
Vincent is a mean, greedy, nasty bear who likes to steal food from campers and hibernate. Vincent is a tall, hulking, and muscular black bear with dark brown/black fur.